Friday, June 30, 2006

Pictures of our Vacation

Here is a Link to the pictures of our time in PR.  Enjoy!!!

Fri, 30 Jun 2006 12:16:00 -0700

Monday, June 19, 2006

Day 22 - Pina Coladas

Last day in Puerto Rico and i was going to take my husband on a walking tour, whether he wanted to or not.  I called my mom and told her to come on down to the hotel so she could go swimming with the kids and watch them while we were out.

We left the hotel at 10:00  First we walked down El Paseo de La Princesa to the fountain and up along the wall to La Puerta de San Juan (the original door to the city).  We walked up past La Rogativa, a statue, and through La Casa Rosa to El Morro.  We cut over to El Cuartel de Ballaja and had a Piragua.  The museum was closed cause it was a monday so we walked down la Calle Cristo.  We walked through the hotel El Convento and then into La Catedral de San Juan.  I didn't know that Juan Ponce de Leon is buried there, or at least his remains are.  After leaving la Catedral we walked down to La Capilla de Cristo and El Parque de las Palomas.  Then up to La Fortaleza where we stopped at all the little shops.  Then up to la Calle San Francisco and stopped at La Bombonera for something cold to drink and to take a rest from the heat.  Then back to the Hotel stopping at the rest of the shops along the way.  We got back to the hotel at 2:30, just as the kids were getting out of the pool.

They wanted to go back to my moms house, so we said OK and we showered and took naps until 5:00.  My friend from school was coming into Old San Juan to have dinner with us at Barrachina, the place where they claim the Pina Colada was invented.  After dinner my husband and i walked up to my parents place, gathered the children and said good bye.  It was late and we were leaving the next morning to come back to South Carolina.


Mon, 19 Jun 2006 12:04:00 -0700

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Day 18 - 21 : Gilligan's and the Southern Coast

On Thursday we checked out from our hotel in Isla Verde and headed down towards Guanica.  We met up with my parents after the first toll booth in Caguas.  We figured that we'd drive down the center of the island, through the mountains and stop at Ponce to have lunch and see some of the Ponce things.  We drove by the house that we used to live when my sister and I were little, then we drove to the plaza where El Parque de Bombas is.  It's like the only famous thing that Ponce is known for, an Old Fire Station.  Of course it started raining so we jumped on a tourist trolley for a fast speed tour through historic Ponce.  The guy was literally speeding trough town telling us about the things that we had already passed.  At least we weren't getting wet.

Eventually we got to Guanica and the place we were going to be staying in for the Fathers Day Weekend, Mary Lee's by the Sea.  It's a Fantabulous (yes i made it up, it's my word) place with a view of the blue sea and the little island we would be going to the next day for the beach. 

It was a really nice time.  There was a town fair one night, and we drove over to the Bioluminescent Bay in La Parguera.  Definitely worth the trip.

On Sunday we left Mary Lee's and drove to Yauco to have Chuletas Can-Can.  It's huge Pork Chops, and sooooooo good.  We said good bye to my parents around 1:30 and drove back to San Juan the long way around.  Up the coast through Mayaguez, Aguadilla and through Arecibo.

We checked into our final hotel room, the Sheraton in Old San Juan, and headed straight to the pool, on the roof.

Sun, 18 Jun 2006 11:54:00 -0700

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Day 17 - Bacardi Rum Factory

Need i say more??

All right so we dropped the kids off at my moms and drove over to the Bacardi Rum Factory.  I had always wanted to go, but never got around to it.  We parked the car and walked over to the ticket booth.  She told us that the next English Tour would be leaving in 20 minutes, took our names and handed us 4 tickets to use at the bar.  Cool, free and they let you drink for free.  We learned the history of Bacardi, how it started in Cuba and eventually they settled into Puerto Rico.  We had a nice time.

Afterwards we drove back to Old San Juan, picked up the kids and went back to the hotel for some swimming.  For dinner we walked over to El Metropol, which is an old style cuban restaurant.  They have the biggest servings i have ever seen, for a good price.  The boy had a kids burger which was bigger than 2 McD burgers.  We had so much food and then walked back to the hotel.  It was a perfect end to a nice time in Isla Verde.

Wed, 14 Jun 2006 10:45:00 -0700

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Day 16 - San Cristobal and dinner with the Parents

This morning we woke up early went to breakfast and went to the beach and the pool for about an hour.  It started to drizzle so we went inside and got ready to go into Old San Juan to go to San Cristobal.

We found a spot to park on my parents street and visite the fort for about 2 hours.  We walked up every ramp, stairs and turrets, down every dungeon, looked out every window, and climbed up on every cannon.  The sun was beating down on us miserable.  Afterwards we figured we'd take a stroll around Old San Juan streets before dinner. 

We made it out to Plaza de Armas before it started pouring down on us.  The winds were gusting and the water was practically flying sideways.  We killed time in shops until it was safe to walk back to my parents place.  By the time we arrived we were soaked like dogs, first from sweat, then from rain.  The four of us smelled like heck.

My dad called and said that the borrowed car, which he was still using, stalled on him and he needed to wait for a tow truck.  When it finally came i went to pick him up and came back home for dinner.  After dinner we walked down to Ben & Jerry's for some ice cream before going back to the hotel.

Tue, 13 Jun 2006 20:40:00 -0700

Monday, June 12, 2006

Day 15 - El Yunque Rainforest

We drove out to El Yunque Rainforest for a hike.  It was the one thing i knew the kids would complain about the entire time, and be thrilled once we got there.  It was a bit of a drive, and when we finally pulled into the parking area the kids were so excited to finally get there.  Little did they know that it was just the beginning of the adventure.  We took our backpacks filled with water, snacks and towels and set off walking.  We took the Big Tree Trail which went up and down, but was never too steep for the kids to walk on.  It rained for most of our walk, which they kept complaining about saying things like "I can't believe it's raining in the rain forest" and then cracking up at their little jokes.

After about 45 minutes we could hear the waterfall rushing down into the rocks and the kids were speechless.  We found a spot on the rocks and we swam for awhile.  Luckily the sun came out during the entire time we were in the water.  It was so refreshing, definitely worth the trip.

We started walking back as soon as the sun went away and it rained the whole walk back.  Thanks to the dense canopy though, we didn't really get wet, it was just refreshing.  The Coquis were singing the entire time, we saw birds, lizards and snails.  Very nice trip.

Back at the hotel we all just went straight to sleep.  Then just went across the street and had Pizza.

Mon, 12 Jun 2006 20:32:00 -0700

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Finally!!!! Day 14

Hubby flew in.!!!  I spent the night before packing our bags and making sure all our clothes were clean.  We woke up and went to church and breakfast.  Then we drove out to the airport.  My parents dropped me off since we were not going to all fit in their car and they took the kids to Mickey D's.  It just happened to be right next to the place where we were renting a car.

Finally my hubby came out of the airport terminal and we shuttled over to Thrifty.  The kids went crazy talking to their daddy and hugging.  We drove up to Guavate to have some yummy Lechon (pork).  It was a nice drive up into the mountains of Cayey.  After lunch we drove straight to the hotel and spent the afternoon swimming in the pool and the beach.

What a nice day. Finally A/C during the night!!!

Sun, 11 Jun 2006 20:28:00 -0700

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Day 13 - Flying Kites and visiting friends

We spent the morning flying kites at El Morro.  One of the kites we had bought sucked.  Try as we did, it would not stay up in the air.  Of course it was the one the boy had picked out and he was not happy at all.  So i ran up to the hot dog vendor and bought a 3$ kite and he flew that all morning and was happy as a clam.

After lunch a friend of mine came to pick us up and we went over to his parents house.  The kids swam in the backyard and we had a chance to talk and catch up.  It was a nice afternoon.

Sat, 10 Jun 2006 20:25:00 -0700

Friday, June 9, 2006

Day 12 - Museums but no fountain

This morning we went to an Art Museum where there is a room full of interactive activities for the kids.  They had computers, places to draw self portraits, chalboards, blocks, and lots of other stuff.  They had a blast.

Afterwards we stopped for lunch and came back to Old San Juan to go to the Taino Exhibit.  We made it at 3:15 and it closed at 4:00 so we just made it.  We went in and walked around.  It was really interesting and had all the information in both Spanish and English.  We went out and crossed the street so the kids could play in the fountain, but it ends up that it's turned off at 4:00 so they were not too happy about that.  We walked down to Plaza de Armas and they fed the pigeons.  Afterwards we walked around a little and made it back home.

It was a fun day overall.  Tomorrow we're planning on Flying Kites in El Morro and maybe they'll be able to play in the fountain.  Sunday hubby comes!! So excited to see him, 2 weeks is a long time and the kids are dying to see their daddy.  I'm just looking forward to having A/C. 

Fri, 09 Jun 2006 16:41:00 -0700

Thursday, June 8, 2006

Day 11 - The Fountain

Today we waited around for my dad to come home.  We ended up taking a walk down to Ballaja, a museum, i wanted to see their Taino Exhibition but we rain into a fountain that kids run through so the kids ended up getting wet and we didn't make it to the museum.  We had hotdogs from a cart and Piraguas. 

I'm planning on making it inside the museum tomorrow then the kids can play in the fountain. 

3 more days till Sunday!!!  Whoohoooo.

Thu, 08 Jun 2006 06:18:00 -0700

Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Day 9 & 10 - The Malls

We hit the malls these last few days.  First day we went to Plaza las Americas, a huge mall.  I bought some clothes and let the kids go to KB Toys.  Then we hit the food court for lunch.

The next day we went to San Patricio Mall.  Then came home.

It is still so hot.  What i wouldn't give for a sudden temperature drop.

Wed, 07 Jun 2006 06:15:00 -0700

Monday, June 5, 2006

Day 8 - The Beach

Another visit to the beach.  The girl loves to snorkel and is obsessed with catching a fish with her bare hands.  We were there for a few hours.

The morning was spent doing errands and we had lunch at Pizzeria Uno. Love that place.  The kids got to make their own pizzas at the table and then they took them back and cooked them up for them.

It's so hot here!!!  Can't wait till sunday.

Mon, 05 Jun 2006 06:06:00 -0700

Sunday, June 4, 2006

Day 7 - Arecibo Lighthouse and Pollo Tropical

This morning we went to church.  After church we went to breakfast to La Bombonera.  We walked over to the Plaza de Armas and ran into some relatives of my mom's.  We talked for awhile and fed the pigeons.

Afterwards we left for Arecibo Lighthouse and Park.  The had some Taino things, and Christopher Columbus' Ships.  There was a Pirate Ship, the Lighthouse, and a Play Area with swings and slides.  The kids had a great time and it was nice to be able to let them run around without worrying too much.

On the way back we stopped at Pollo Tropical and had dinner.  I love Pollo Tropical and have missed eating there since we moved from Miami.  Afterwards we stopped by some friends house.  The daughter, Vanessa, is moving to Los Angeles with her daughter to try the whole acting thing.  She has a good chance since she's already been in an all girls singing group that's toured the world.

Tomorrow we might hit the Beach again.

Sun, 04 Jun 2006 17:48:00 -0700

Saturday, June 3, 2006

Day 6 - Wonder Park & the cousins house

Today my mom and I went off to Wonderpark with the kids.  It's an indoor play area with video games and rides.  They spent a few hours playing games and riding roller coasters, pirate ships, and bumper cars.  It was nice to be inside in Air Conditioning.

After that we left to visit my grandmothers cousins, on the way there the Check Engine Light came on in the car so we turned around and changed cars.  After the visit we came back to Old San Juan and were lucky to find parking spaces.

Tomorrow the plan is to go to El Yunque.  I can't wait for the hubby to get down here so we can get out of the parents place, i need air conditioning.

Sat, 03 Jun 2006 17:34:00 -0700

Friday, June 2, 2006

Day 5 - Old San Juan

This morning i got to go to La Bombonera for breakfast.  It's this old little restaurant that my grandfather used to go to all the time.  Afterwards we walked down to El Parque de Las Palomas, Pigeon Park.  We took a bag of rice and fed the pigeons.  There are hundreds of them and they are so used to being fed that they will sit on your arms, shoulders and heads so that you'll feed them.

When the bag of rice was done we walked up the El Museo del Niño, the childrens museum.  It was a nice little museum with lots of interactive things for kids to play with. We stayed there for about an hour, then headed across the street to the San Juan Cathedral.  We walked around and saw the statues and Stained glass windows.  On the way back to the grandparents place it started raining on us, we got soaked.

We spent the afternoon in the apartment, and around 6 went to the car shop and picked up the borrowed car.  When i got back walked down to the Ben & Jerry's and had some ice cream.

Not a bad day overall.

Fri, 02 Jun 2006 05:33:00 -0700

Thursday, June 1, 2006

Day 4 - Camuy Caves and Caguana, and oh yeah a Tow Truck

We left early and went to The Camuy Caves, the third largest underground river and cave system in the world.  We took a trolley down some 500 feet into a sinkhole seeing all the plants and trees that flourish in the moist damp air.  At the bottom of the sinkhole our tour guide took us into the cave.  It was dark and deliciously cool compared to the outside temperature.  He pointed out different structures inside, and explained that an inch of a stalactite would take hundreds of years to be created.  The water trickled down the sides and sometimes dropped on us.  We saw bats flying around, plus the river almost 200 feet below.  It was very cool.  We went to a different area that is open to the outside at the top, the light shines down and there are waterfalls on the sides.  After visiting that cave we got back into the trolley to go to another sinkhole.  It was big enought to fit the El Morro Fort inside of it.

After leaving the caves we took the scenic rout to Utuado by way of Lares.  The road was curvy the entire way.  Almost like a roller coaster with blind curves going up and down.  The lane barely big enough to fit 2 cars and people are passing you.  It was a bit scary.  We made it to El Parque Ceremonial Indigeno de Caguana, and i was a bit dissapointed.  There was no one available to give the tour in English.  The kids had no interest in listening to someone that they didn't understand so it was us listening then translating quickly before he moved up to the next thing.  The rocks with the petroglyphs were worn down and barely visible.  The guide then kept reiterating that none of the Bohios were original, they were just what the archeologists thought might have been and it was just a dissapointing visit.

We left Caguana and noticed that the battery light in the car we had borrowed, for me to use, was on.  The entire 30 minute trip was downhill and even more steep,blind curves.  The air conditioner died halfway down, and when we finally got to the bottom of the road into the intersection to get back to civilization, the car died.  So there we are hot, sweaty, and stuck in and intersection in the middle of nowhere.

One and a half hour later the tow truck arrives to tow the car and us back to San Juan, 80 miles away.  The five of us squeezed into the back seat of a tow truck cabin.  The kids fell asleep and after 2 hours we finally got dropped off in Old San Juan.  It was the end of another fantabulous adventure.

Can't wait to see what's in store today.

Thu, 01 Jun 2006 04:44:00 -0700