I just had the strangest conversation with, of all people, a telemarketer. It's very possible that he was more eager to end the conversation than i was.
He starts of the call by telling me that i was one of the people who have been chosen to become a Gold Customer (or some sh!t like that), then asks me if i have long distance on my phone. I figure since he's calling me with such great news that he would know this, but i'm feeling fiendish and play along. "No, i do not have long distance" i tell him.
Well he breaks into this long shpiel about how i can get long distance at a low rate of some sort of amount and i can call anywhere in the US after 9:00 pm and Blah Blah Blah. When he's done i tell him that i'm not interested, and i don't need it. Well some more of the
. I explain that i have a cellphone and that i use it to make long distance, i can use it anywhere, not just at home, but he is one eager beaver. So some more
and how you never know when there might be an emergency and if i don't have long distance and try to make a long distance call i'll be charged an arm and a leg.
By now i'm rather bored of listening to him and explain that i have a cellphone and do not need long distance at home. There he goes saying about how if there's an emergency.
Well i stopped him right there, "excuse me, but if there is an emergency, i'm calling 911. if i have to call long distance in an emergency i might as well just roll over and die".
He didn't seem to have anything else to say and so i sat there, listening to him leafing through what sounded like pages, and then he says "Ok Thank you, Click"
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