Friday, March 24, 2006

Forget the Birds, i'm just dealing with the Bees

Nothing exciting or even remotely funny happened today, except spending a long morning at a place called Bee City.  Field Trip.  But it reminded me of some funny things that happened to me about a year ago.

I was in the yard in front of my house watering the plants.  As i'm there holding the water hose i feel a buzzing.  Bees were common in the area so i thought nothing of it, until i realized that i did not hear it, i felt it.  I pulled my shirt away from me and looked down to see a bee inside my shirt.

Unless you've been in this situation, you can't imagine what you would do.  Before the thought was even processed i was tossing the water hose down, splashing water all over me, and ripping my shirt off.

Now remember that i was in my front yard, in plain view of everyone (mainly the yard crew).  I don't know what they saw, or thought, but i do know that they always smiled at me after that day.

Maybe they were expecting a sequel....

Fri, 24 Mar 2006 15:35:00 -0800

Are they twins??

It's hard to remember, and even tougher to realize, but children don't see colors on a person skin and think it means anything.  We were at the park and i ran into a mom i know.  She has 2 children, one biological, one adopted.  She is white, the adopted son is black.  The boys are close in age and where wearing the same T-Shirt and Shorts (yes shorts it was 83 degrees).  My daughter looks at them and asks me, quite innocently, are the white boy and the brown boy twins??

I smiled, and the mom overheard and had quite a chuckle over it.  I said no and she went off to play with them.  No big.

But it reminded us of a situation that i'd read about years ago about a Norweigian couple who had had trouble conceiving and had used InVitro.  When their multiple babies were born, one was african american.  Now that would be shocking!!!!

Fri, 24 Mar 2006 04:09:00 -0800

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Telemarketers must Die!!!!

I just had the strangest conversation with, of all people, a telemarketer.  It's very possible that he was more eager to end the conversation than i was.

He starts of the call by telling me  that i was one of the people who have been chosen to become a Gold Customer (or some sh!t like that), then asks me if i have long distance on my phone.  I figure since he's calling me with such great news that he would know this, but i'm feeling fiendish and play along.  "No, i do not have long distance" i tell him.

Well he breaks into this long shpiel about how i can get long distance at a low rate of some sort of amount and i can call anywhere in the US after 9:00 pm and Blah Blah Blah.  When he's done i tell him that i'm not interested, and i don't need it.  Well some more of the .  I explain that i have a cellphone and that i use it to make long distance, i can use it anywhere, not just at home, but he is one eager beaver.  So some more and how you never know when there might be an emergency and if i don't have long distance and try to make a long distance call i'll be charged an arm and a leg.

By now i'm rather bored    of listening to him and explain that i have a cellphone and do not need long distance at home.  There he goes saying about how if there's an emergency. 

Well i stopped him right there, "excuse me, but if there is an emergency, i'm calling 911.  if i have to call long distance in an emergency i might as well just roll over and die".

He didn't seem to have anything else to say and so i sat there, listening to him leafing through what sounded like pages, and then he says "Ok Thank you, Click"

Thu, 23 Mar 2006 17:13:00 -0800

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

If he's technically right, does he still get in trouble??

It was another night of Baseball practice and the boy wanted to play in the playground.  I understand, after all, i was a child once.  I say it's OK, but - and here is the clincher, he can not play on The Giant Sand Rock Pile next to the playground. 

OK Mommy, he says and runs off to play.  After about 10 minutes i decide to walk over and make sure he's still there, and lo and behold, he's on top of The Giant Sand Rock Pile.  I call him over and ask him if i might have just saw him on top of  T.G.S.R.P., maybe - he says.  I remind him that he was not allowed to play on T.G.S.R.P, "but mommy, i was climbing it, not playing on it."

Currently listening :
Double Live
By Garth Brooks
Release date: 17 November, 1998

Tue, 21 Mar 2006 17:52:00 -0800

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Just a boring post

Nothing much exciting has happened.  My son was throwing up all of thursday, and stayed home on friday (just in case).  Today my daughter had a Teddy Bear Retreat, she's preparing for First Communion.  With all the running around i've been doing all week, plus all the traveling we've done, it's nice to just sit in the house and veg...

Tomorrow i'll be doing lots of nothing.  Can't wait - maybe i'll even get to sleep in till 7:00.  Now that's a treat!!!!

Currently listening :
Seussical: The Musical
By Original Broadway Cast
Release date: 06 February, 2001

Sat, 18 Mar 2006 15:38:00 -0800

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Things that make you say hmm??

I was watching the news late last night, not sure if it was local or what.  Anyway the anchor was talking about a small plane that had crashed. He says something about 'investigators are trying to figure out at what altitude it was before it crashed'.  Well, DUHHH, if it crashed into the ground, it obviously was at about ground level.

Morbid, i know, but i mean, DUHH!!

Thu, 16 Mar 2006 12:50:00 -0800

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

What do you do when Nature jumps out at you??

I was driving home last night after practice, and it was already dark.  Let me just say that i DO NOT live in the boonies.  The Creek is a rather busy suburbia style town.  As i'm driving on the only road i can to go home i see something in the road.  At first i thought it was a dog, but nooooo, it was a mutate possum.  At least i thought it was mutated cause it look as big as a small horse.  I honked at it, thinking it would move, but it just sat there for a good 2 minutes. Finally it wandered off into the grass and away.  I suppose i could have ran it over, called it roadkill, and had it for dinner, but i gave it up for lent.

This isn't the first time Nature has invaded my driving. A few months ago i was driving my son to school when i noticed some Canadian Geese hanging out in the median.  I slowed down, knowing how those canadians like to cause trouble.  Good thing i slowed down, because as soon as i got near them they decided to fly right into my lane.  One was so low in front of the car that i couldn't even see it from my seat, so i hit the brakes so i wouldn't run it over.  His buddy however did not calculate his path very well and smashed right into my rear side window.  That 30 lb. bird bounced off my car, landed on the street and proceeded to walk around my car and into the pond.

All i could think was "i've just been goosed!!"

Wed, 15 Mar 2006 12:56:00 -0800

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

80 years and airplane traveling

We just spent the weekend in NYC.  God i hate the city!!  I'm just a small town girl at heart.  We flew up for my father-in-laws 80th birthday.  It was nice, and my husband was able to catch up with friends he doesn't really get to see all that often.  We drove into the city hoping to take the kids to the Empire State Building, but seeing how visibility was crap, we opted for the mother of all stores FAO Schwarz.  LOOVED IT!!  We flew home the next day and had to drive 2 more hours afterwards, just to get home.  It was a long couple of days, but it's good to get the kids to see that it's not all about them.  The are becoming quite the travelers.  My son, on the last plane ride, got in his seat, buckled himself in and took out the Passenger Safety Card.  He's 4!! I have to remind myself sometimes.  It was just so cute to see him act so grown up.  Next plane ride won't be until Memorial Day and it'll be just me and them.  Hubby won't join us for 2 weeks.  That should be fun.

Tue, 14 Mar 2006 07:24:00 -0800

Saturday, March 11, 2006

You Mean Wet, mommy??

So a couple of weeks ago we were in Phoenix for a wedding.  We had to rent a car, and they have this 5 story Parking Structure where all the Rental Cars are kept.  As we're loading the car and putting the booster seats in, i'm explaining that this is not our car and that we will need to return it just the way they gave it to us.  My son looks at the car, sees water on the outside and asks me "You mean wet, mommy??"


Sat, 11 Mar 2006 07:48:00 -0800

Friday, March 10, 2006

America's Pasttime

So yesterday was my daughters first practice for Baseball.  She was insistant in playing Baseball - Not Softball (which was an option).  Well we get there and out of the 12 kids in the team, she is the only girl.  OMG - how would she react?? what would she do?? will she cry???  Nope, she just got right into it throwing the ball with another boy.  She was fielding balls, getting down on the ground and scooping up balls.  When we got home and i was kissing her goodnight i told her how proud i was of her.  She did great out there, and fished around to see if any of the boys had maybe said anything mean...she tells me:  Some of the boys on my team are cute.    She's only 7, what on earth am i going to do?  Does anyone know of a good nunnery??  i'll need a number soon.

Fri, 10 Mar 2006 13:48:00 -0800