Thursday, April 27, 2006

Congratulations, it's 2 girls!!

My hubby and I adopted 2 kids on Sunday.  OK, they're really dogs, but when they're puppies they might as just be kids.  They have been surprisingly good so far.  We keep them in their crates whenever we're not home, or when it's time to sleep and they have been really good about going 'potty' outside.  It's definitely easier house breaking a puppy than teaching either one of my kids to go on the potty.

They dogs are collie mixes, and the shelter said they were sister.  That's why we got them both, how horrible to break them up.  They spend most of their time playing together and sleeping.

The kids are getting used to their new sisters.  The boy is still intimidated by them, they scratched him and he just freaks out when they jump on him to kiss him.  I'm afraid that the dogs will definitely get bigger before he does.

I remember always having dogs in the house growing up, and i hope that the kids are able to enjoy the experience, once they stop being afraid of the dogs.


Thu, 27 Apr 2006 14:38:00 -0700

Monday, April 17, 2006

Nothing much

It's been Spring Break here in the Creek.  The kiddies finally go back to school tomorrow.  Surprisingly it has not been too terrible having them home for an entire week.

The weather has been HOT!!  Most afternoons have been in the High 80's and even into the 90's.  We went to the Sprinkler Park and they ran around getting wet. I had one of my good friends visiting from Puerto Rico and it was nice to catch up with him.  We did some tourist things with him, which is nice, because you never do the tourist things when you live somewhere and then you end up missing alot of really cool information.

Easter was quite.  The kids hunted for eggs and ate lots of chocolate.  Tonight is back to normal, double header in the baseball thing.  We'll be getting home around 9, so they can shower and get to bed.

Still can't believe school is almost over.  Where did this school year go??

Mon, 17 Apr 2006 10:51:00 -0700

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Game 2 Devil Rays and other such stuff

Game 2 was quite exciting.  The boys on the team had quite a few good plays and several runs were scored.  The girl did not do as well as the rest, but she did fine.

Kids are in Spring Break, so things are kind of mushed together.

The only funny thing i have to add is relevant to a song by Natasha Bedingfield.  There is a line that says my foot was in my mouth the day that i met you.  Kaylah tells Jonah, my foot was in my mouth the day that i met you, but it's because i was a baby.

That's it for now.

Tue, 11 Apr 2006 07:02:00 -0700

Tuesday, April 4, 2006

Game 1 - Rockies

I know that you all anxiously await the news of the baseball games now.  Today was game one of the boy's T-Ball team (Rockies). I must say that i have never laughed so hard at a game in my life.  The team did not start practicing until last week, so they didn't know what they were doing other than swinging at the ball on the T.

My son hits the ball and everyone is shouting RUN RUN.  Well he does, right for the dugout.  So then everyone is yelling NO FIRST BASE, he stops, looks around, says OH OK and trots over.  He wasn't so bad.  One kid hit the ball and ran straight for the pitchers mound, another decided that he didn't want to run all the way to first and sat down halfway there.  It was too funny.

T-Ball rules, there are no Outs.  So you hit the ball, get tagged out at first, it's all right you can stay on base and keep on running. No Big.  Everyone bats once every inning.  So the last batter has the best time cause he bats and runs all the way around. Grand Slam, Home Run whooo hoooo.  You see them rounding those bases and they're so proud.

It was great.  Next game saturday.  Will provide commentary.

Tue, 04 Apr 2006 17:33:00 -0700

Game DevilRays

The daughters first baseball game yesterday.  It was pretty exciting, especially for someone who's not into baseball.  They played 3 full innings, which took close to 1 hour and 30 minutes.  Rules of play are each kid gets 8 pitches before they are out, unless they hit the ball and it's caught or are tagged out on base.  She was first up to bat in the 2nd inning.  She hit the ball and made it to first.  Eventually made it to second.  But there were 3 outs and that's as far as she got.  I was proud though!! Go Girl!! 

She played outfield and 3rd base.  No major plays made, did miss a line drive, but so did the outfielder standing right behind her.  No runs scored, but they don't keep track at this stage.

She had fun, and that's all that matters.

Today is the Boy's first game.

Tue, 04 Apr 2006 04:57:00 -0700

Saturday, April 1, 2006

Mommy, mommy --- the shower battery died

It's been awhile since ive written anything, but it's been that kind of a week.  Until last night.  It was just a regular friday, the one day we had nothing to do.  We were going to meet the daddy person for dinner and then come home.  We did, and as soon as we came home the daughter went into the bathroom to take a shower.  The boy was in my bathroom using the toilet, i heard him flush, but it just didn't sound right.  I yelled for him to flush right, but the the noise got really strange.  My immediate thought was that he had broken my toilet.  How on earth was that possible?!?!?!  As i'm walking in to see what's going on my daughter comes out of the bathroom dripping wet, a towel draped around her, crying.  I suddenly felt like i'd jumped into some surreal dimension.  I finally understand her " *sob* *sob* the shower *sob* the battery *sob* it's broken *bwaaaaahhhh* "  HUH?  what do you mean the shower battery is broken?? what da?  so i turn on the faucet an it's just a very thin drip. Ohhhhh!! 

I pick up the phone and call my neighbors. The conversation went something like this  "So is like your water working?   - Who is this?  What? - It's me, my water isn't working, is yours? - Oh, um, let me check.  Nope, not working either.  Whatcha do break it? - Yup, gotta go. "

Endless hours of calling produced nothing, finally found out there was a water main break.  No water for the TriCounty Area.  Fun!!

Sat, 01 Apr 2006 06:54:00 -0800