Saturday, July 22, 2006

Disney Cruise!!! Whoooohooooo!!!

We're going on a Disney Cruise tomorrow and i am so excited.  I think i'm going to enjoy it more than my kids.  Could that be possible.  School starts in 3 weeks and i can't wait until both kids are in school all day.

Sometimes i wonder where all the time has gone, i can remember the day they were born like it was yesterday.  Then i look at them and i can't believe how big they are and how independent they've become.

People would tell me that time would go by so fast, and now i see that it really does.  I'm so glad that i've taken millions of pictures so my "mommy brain" can remember everything.

Sat, 22 Jul 2006 14:49:00 -0700

Friday, July 14, 2006

Time is going crazy

Haven't written in awhile.  I guess i got a bit of a life over the summer, but things change.  Some of the things that my son has uttered in the last week, one made me laugh, the other made me say "Awwww".

We're in the car driving.  There's a cd playing and to see how long the song had been going on i pushed the button changing the Clock into the Song Time thingie.  Well he's looking at his watch and he keeps looking at where the clock usually is and all of a sudden he screams "Mommy fix my watch cause time is going crazy!!!", i'd forgotten to change the thingie back to Clock and it was just counting up. LOL

The second thing happened last night.  He was getting ready for bed and i was tucking him in.  He was talking about school and his prayer hands.  He'd been going to a small cristian pre-school and they were used to saying a prayer before snack time.  I explained that they were not going to be praying in school. He thought for a few seconds and said to me "But how are we going to thank God for our meal?"  I smiled and told him that he could say thanks on his own, but the teacher couldn't do it with him.  "Why??"  I tried to explain about not saying prayers because people are different religions and they wouldn't want to be left out or insulted.  So he looks at me and says "Well the teacher should just let everyone say their own prayers that way nobody gets left out."  It's so simple when you look at it the way a child does.

Mon, 14 Aug 2006 09:03:00 -0700

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

It's a Small World

I just signed up the boy for a 2 week summer camp starting monday.  On the first day i heard a woman talking spanish.  I went over to say hello and asked her where she was from.  She was from Puerto Rico, so i introduced myself and we got to talking.  She just moved here a few weeks ago, and her kids are around the same age as mine.  We got together and the kids played together great, the older is in the same grade as my older child.

She mentioned that her husbands father was a doctor, and when i spoke to my parents and told them his last name, my father wondered if it was the same person he grew up with.  Ends up it is, they went to grade school together.

How weird is that??

Tue, 11 Jul 2006 10:55:00 -0700