Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Oh the things you can do, if you'd just get off the couch....January 8

Like 99% of people out there, losing weight is up there on my things to do list every year. I don't even bother calling it a resolution because let's be realistic, it just ai'nt happening. But i have been trying to be more active and walking more. Let's ignore the fact that since school let out in December i have been completely lazy, and just need that motivation to get out there again. I really enjoyed my morning walks, i just enjoy sitting on the couch more. I always have a handy excuse, i was volunteering at my kid's school, i had to go grocery shopping, i was too tired...blah blah blah. I should make it a resolution to come up with better excuses why i couldn't walk. Regardless, my hope is that by the end of this year i will have been more active, and once the boy moves up to Middle School and i don't have to bother with volunteering maybe i'll do something crazy and join a gym. I feel like it would be a total waste of money now when i go in 3 times a week to volunteer and if i don't get my walk/exercise in first thing in the morning, it just isn't going to happen. That much i know.

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